Modernized Apps Can Speak and Listen using Latest Chant Tools
Chant Developer Workbench 2020 accelerates speech technology integration with plug-n-play APIs.
Los Angeles, California, May 27, 2020Chant Inc., a leading independent vendor of speech and natural user interface technology tools and class libraries, announced today availability of a new version of its flagship toolset for developing software that speaks, listens, and interacts with users.
Chant Developer Workbench is comprised of essential tools and class libraries for integrating speech and NUI technology. It provides an IDE for developing and interactively testing speech and natural user interface technologies. Developers can manage conversations, grammars, movement, profiles, lexicons, speech, and text-to-speech markup directly within application software they develop and deploy using prebuilt class libraries.
"The application development ecosystem is constantly evolving and rapidly changing on all platforms rendering applications incompatible and outdated," said John Earle, president and founder of Chant Inc. "With Developer Workbench 2020 class libraries, applications can listen and speak with new plug-n-play speech API support and easily evolve with changes and new versions."
New key features and capabilities provided by Chant Developer Workbench 2020 include:
- Updated Visual Studio, RAD Studio, and JDK (Eclipse, NetBeans, et. al.) sample projects for rapid application development.
- Optimized speech recognizer management with high-performance plug-n-play speech API access.
- Optimized way of managing listening context with speech recognition vocabularies.
- Optimized speech synthesizer management with high-performance plug-n-play speech API access.
- Updated speech recognizer browser and testing tools with integrated vocabulary management.
- Update speech synthesizer browser and testing tools for persisting audio and live audio playback.
- Enhanced version control for applications deployment with specific speech API support.
US Pricing and Availability
Chant Developer Workbench 2020 can be ordered today. Pricing is $999 per developer and includes the Chant Developer Workbench interactive environment, a license for GrammarKit 6, KinesicsKit 4, LexiconKit 6, ProfileKit 6, SpeechKit 9, VoiceMarkupKit 6 and VoiceXMLKit 3. For more information about features and pricing, visit
About Chant
Chant Inc. is a leading provider of software and services that help organizations gain competitive advantage with speech and natural user interface technology. Chant is the first company to provide engine-independent middleware for developing desktop, embedded, and telephony applications that use speech and NUI technology. For more information, please visit
Chant, SpeechKit, and Getting the World Talking with Technology are trademarks or registered trademarks of Chant Inc. All other marks are owned by their respective companies.