How do I know what apps can do using Chant Developer Workbench?
Last reviewed: 12/10/2023
HowTo Article ID: H032320
The information in this article applies to:
- Chant Developer Workbench 2023
- GrammarKit 9
- KinesicsKit 7
- LexiconKit 9
- ProfileKit 9
- SpeechKit 12
- VoiceMarkupKit 9
- VoiceXMLKit 6
Chant Developer Workbench is a development and testing environment to know how best to use speech recognition and speech synthesis and test features that may be integrated in cloud, desktop, and mobile apps.
More Information
Chant Developer Workbench on Windows enables development and testing of speech recognition and speech synthesis features for cloud, desktop, and mobile platforms. Even though it is a .NET application, application capabilities for C++, C++Builder, Delphi, and Java in addition to .NET may be tested. This is possible because it uses the Chant product libraries and assemblies that interface with the Chant Speech SDK runtime libraries like any other application. Speech technology selection via dropdown list is easy for grammar, lexicon, profile, recognition, synthesis, speech synthesis markup language (SSML), and VoiceXML testing. This is equivalent to an application using different Chant speech API classes.
There are two editions of Chant Developer Workbench: 32- and 64-bit. This is because most deployment environments support 32- and 64-bit applications. Sometimes the Speech SDKs (APIs) features are the same for both and sometimes they are not. Chant Developer Workbench enables testing of both app bit-ness to investigate and validate capabilities before, during, and after deployment. It serves as a great sandbox to validate new SDK versions with apps.
Creating and Editing Surfaces
Chant Developer Workbench does offer features that are not in the Chant product libraries and runtimes. These features are related to the syntax editing surfaces for speech recognition grammars, pronunciation lexicons, SSML, and VoiceXML.
The editing surfaces in Chant Development Workbench are tailored to assist with rapid generation and validation of speech technology files used across platforms and technologies. The sophisticated editor has all the modern features and IntelliPrompt services that elevate productivity.
Speech recognition grammars may be created, edited, and tested with GrammarKit in Chant Developer Workbench.
Movement detection and tracking with Kinect devices may be tested with KinesicsKit in Chant Developer Workbench.
Pronunciation lexicons may be created, edited, and validated with LexiconKit in Chant Developer Workbench.
Speech recognition profiles, microphone setup, and other speech engine utilities may be managed with ProfileKit in Chant Developer Workbench.
Speech recognition and speech synthesis may be tested with SpeechKit in Chant Developer Workbench.
SSML may be created and tested with VoiceMarkupKit in Chant Developer Workbench.
VoiceXML may be created and tested with VoiceXMLKit in Chant Developer Workbench.