How do I reference Chant libraries as Nuget packages?
Last reviewed: 7/29/2024
HOW Article ID: H062405
The information in this article applies to:
- Audio Search 5
- GrammarKit 10
- KinesicsKit 8
- LexiconKit 10
- ProfileKit 10
- SpeechKit 13
- SpeechManager 4
- Talk&Listen 5
- VoiceMarkupKit 10
- VoiceXMLKit 7
NuGet ( is the package manager for .NET. The NuGet client tools provide the ability to produce and consume packages. The NuGet Gallery is the central package repository used by all package authors and consumers.
More Information
Referencing libraries with Nuget ( simplifies project setup and maintenance by centralizing control for version management and maintenance. In addition to supporting .NET assemblies, Nuget packages also support native libraries such as C++ headers, source, and DLLs. This enables Visual C++ projects to consume Nuget packages.
Nuget packages are available for Chant .NET and Visual C++ libraries on ( and may be referenced in Visual Studio projects as follows:
- Select the application project in the Solution Explorer
- Right-click the mouse and select the Manage Nuget Packages… menu item.
- Enter Chant in the search bar.
- Select the applicable Chant library and press the install button.

For .NET projects, Nuget automatically includes dependent libraries. For C++ projects, select and install all dependent libraries as they are not automatically included.
Visual Studio 2022 projects with sample applications that illustrate consuming packages are available for download on the Chant downloads page.
Product documentation is updated to provide steps for selecting Nuget packages:
- Audio Search
- GrammarKit
- KinesicsKit
- LexiconKit
- ProfileKit
- SpeechKit
- Speech Manager
- Talk&Listen
- VoiceMarkupKit
- VoiceXMLKit
The following table serves as a map to determine which Nuget packages are applicable:
Nuget Package | Programming Language | API/SDK/Specification |
Chant.AudioSearch.Windows | C++, C#, VB | Microsoft SAPI5, Microsoft Speech Platform, Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking |
Chant.GrammarKit Dependencies: Chant.Shared | C#, VB | Microsoft System.Speech, Microsoft.Speech |
Chant.GrammarKit.Windows Dependencies: Chant.Shared.Windows | C++, C#, VB | Microsoft SAPI5, Microsoft Speech Platform, Microsoft WindowsMedia (via WinRT C++) |
Chant.GrammarKit.WindowsMedia Dependencies: Chant.Shared.WindowsMedia | C#, VB | UWP Microsoft WindowsMedia |
Chant.GrammarKit.WinRT.WindowsMedia Dependencies: Chant.Shared.WinRT.WindowsMedia | C#, VB | Microsoft WindowsMedia (via WinRT .NET) |
Chant.KinesicsKit.Windows Dependencies: Chant.Shared.Windows | C++, C#, VB | Microsoft Kinect |
Chant.LexiconKit.Windows Dependencies: Chant.Shared.Windows | C++, C#, VB | Cepstral, Microsoft Azure Speech, Microsoft SAPI5, Microsoft Speech Platform, Microsoft WindowsMedia (via WinRT C++) |
Chant.LexiconKit.WinRT.WindowsMedia Dependencies: Chant.Shared.WinRT.WindowsMedia | C#, VB | Microsoft WindowsMedia (via WinRT .NET) |
Chant.ProfileKit.Windows Dependencies: Chant.Shared.Windows | C++, C#, VB | Microsoft SAPI5, Microsoft Speech Platform, Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking |
Chant.SpeechKit Dependencies: Chant.Shared | C#, VB | Microsoft System.Speech, Microsoft.Speech |
Chant.SpeechKit.MCS Dependencies: Chant.Shared.MCS | C#, VB | Microsoft Azure Speech |
Chant.SpeechKit.Windows Dependencies: Chant.Shared.Windows | C++, C#, VB | Acapela, Cepstral, CereProc CereVoice, Microsoft Azure Speech, Microsoft SAPI5, Microsoft Speech Platform, Microsoft WindowsMedia (via WinRT C++), Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking |
Chant.SpeechKit.WindowsMedia Dependencies: Chant.Shared.WindowsMedia | C#, VB | UWP Microsoft WindowsMedia |
Chant.SpeechKit.WinRT.WindowsMedia Dependencies: Chant.Shared.WinRT.WindowsMedia | C#, VB | Microsoft WindowsMedia (via WinRT .NET) |
Chant.SpeechManager.Windows Dependencies: Chant.SpeechKit.Windows Chant.Shared.Windows | C++, C#, VB | Acapela, Cepstral, CereProc CereVoice, Microsoft SAPI5, Microsoft Speech Platform, Microsoft WindowsMedia (via WinRT C++), Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking |
Chant.TalkListen.Windows | C++, C#, VB | Acapela, Cepstral, CereProc CereVoice, Microsoft SAPI5, Microsoft Speech Platform, Microsoft WindowsMedia (via WinRT C++), Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking |
Chant.VoiceMarkupKit Dependencies: Chant.Shared | C#, VB | W3C SSML |
Chant.VoiceMarkupKit.Windows Dependencies: Chant.Shared.Windows | C++, C#, VB | Acapela Tag, CereProc, Microsoft, Azure Speech SSML, SAPI5 XML, W3C SSML |
Chant.VoiceMarkupKit.WindowsMedia Dependencies: Chant.Shared.WindowsMedia | C#, VB | UWP W3C SSML |
Chant.VoiceXMLKit.Windows Dependencies: Chant.Shared.Windows | C++, C#, VB | Microsoft SAPI5, Microsoft Speech Platform |