How do I develop Windows Desktop applications that do more with Speech Technology?

Last reviewed: 11/11/2022

HOW Article ID: H072224

The information in this article applies to:

  • SpeechKit 11


Develop Windows Desktop applications that speak and listen using your favorite speech technology with SpeechKit.

More Information

SpeechKit includes Windows App SDK compatible .NET 5.0, 6.0, and 7.0 assemblies to support your application's target framework. This means WinUI 3.0 apps can use all the SpeechKit supported speech APIs.

These applications require the applicable SpeechKit Speech API library and speech recognition grammar files in the same directory (AppX) as the application .exe.

Speech API SpeechKit Speech API class SpeechKit Speech API library
Acapela TTSCAcaTTSSynthesizerCSpeechKit.AcaTTS.dll or CSpeechKitX64.AcaTTS.dll
Cepstral SwiftNSwiftSynthesizerCSpeechKit.Swift.dll or CSpeechKitX64.Swift.dll
CereProc CereVoiceNCereVoiceSynthesizerCSpeechKit.CereVoice.dll or CSpeechKitX64.CereVoice.dll
Microsoft SAPI 5NSAPI5Recognizer or NSAPI5SynthesizerCSpeechKit.SAPI5.dll or CSpeechKitX64.SAPI5.dll
Microsoft Speech PlatformNMSPRecognizer or NMSPSynthesizerCSpeechKit.MSP.dll or CSpeechKitX64.MSP.dll
Microsoft WindowsMedia (WinRT C++)NWindowsMediaRecognizer or NWindowsMediaSynthesizerCSpeechKit.WinRT.dll or CSpeechKitX64.WinRT.dll
Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeakingNDgnRecognizerCSpeechKit.Dgn.dll or CSpeechKitX64.Dgn.dll

To access the SpeechKit classes within your Windows Desktop application, add them to your project References:

  1. Within your project, right click on the Dependencies node in the Solution Explorer.
  2. Add references to the Chant shared and SpeechKit assemblies:
    1. Program Files\Chant\SpeechKit 11\NET\libv5.0\Chant.SpeechKit.Windows.dll and
    2. Program Files\Chant\SpeechKit 11\NET\libv5.0\Chant.Shared.Windows.dll.
    1. Program Files\Chant\SpeechKit 11\NET\libv6.0\Chant.SpeechKit.Windows.dll and
    2. Program Files\Chant\SpeechKit 11\NET\libv6.0\Chant.Shared.Windows.dll.
    1. Program Files\Chant\SpeechKit 11\NET\libv7.0\Chant.SpeechKit.Windows.dll and
    2. Program Files\Chant\SpeechKit 11\NET\libv7.0\Chant.Shared.Windows.dll.

To access the SpeechKit .NET classes within your application, add references to the Chant shared and SpeechKit assemblies in your code.

using System;
using Chant.SpeechKit.Windows;
using Chant.Shared.Windows;

Declare variables for the SpeechKit classes, instantiate instance, add the event handlers, and set the credentials.

private NSpeechKit _SpeechKit = null;
private NSAPI5Recognizer _Recognizer = null;
private NSAPI5Synthesizer _Synthesizer = null;
public MainWindow()
    // Instantiate SpeechKit
    _SpeechKit = new NSpeechKit();
    if (_SpeechKit != null)
        // Set credentials
        _Recognizer = _SpeechKit.CreateSAPI5Recognizer();
        if (_Recognizer != null)
            _Recognizer.RecognitionCommand += this.Recognizer_RecognitionCommand;
        _Synthesizer = _SpeechKit.CreateSAPI5Synthesizer();
        if (_Synthesizer != null)
            _Synthesizer.WordPosition += Synthesizer_WordPosition;

If the application requires speech recognition, it requires use of the microphone. Select Microphone under Package.appxmanifest Capabilities in Visual Studio or add the following to the Package.appxmanifest file:

        <DeviceCapability Name="microphone" />

If the application requires speech recognition, it requires use of the microphone. Set the Microphone usage to On for the app under Settings->Privacy->Microphone.

Windows desktop sample projects are installed at the following location: Documents\Chant\SpeechKit 11\WinUI\Windows\cs.