How do I tailor and configure Chant Developer Workbench for fast app development and testing?

Last reviewed: 7/26/2022

HOW Article ID: H072226

The information in this article applies to:

  • Chant Developer Workbench 2022
  • GrammarKit 8
  • LexiconKit 8
  • ProfileKit 8
  • SpeechKit 11
  • VoiceMarkupKit 8
  • VoiceXMLKit 5


Tailoring and configuring the Chant Developer Workbench environment and features accelerates and simplifies app development and testing.

More Information

Chant Developer Workbench environment and features may be tailored and configured to speed up development and testing of apps that speak and listen.

The 2022 Start Page provides streamlined shortcuts for accessing and creating documents, training profiles, testing speech recognition, testing speech synthesis, and reviewing developer product and support information.

CDW 2022 Start Page
Start Page: Open recent documents, create new documents, manage profiles, test speech recognition, test speech synthesis, and review the latest developer announcements from the start page.

The Chant Developer Workbench environment may be tailored and configured to facilitate fast development and testing of apps that speak and listen. To adjust settings, select the View->Options menu item to display the Options page.

After changing any options, click the save toolbar button or Edit->Save menu item to save changes. Close the Options page tab without saving to cancel changes.

The preselected window layout is tabbed pages that are pinned or closed by clicking the applicable icon on the tab. Recently opened files have open links listed on the Start page. The maximum number of recent files displayed may be adjusted. Additional Start page shortcut visibility may be adjusted by selecting or deselecting the shortcut.

Options Page Environment Layout and Start Page Options
Options Page - Environment: Tailor document layout options and the shortcuts that appear on the Start page.

Stay up-to-date with the latest information about products and support with links to developer news articles. Control the maximum number of links displayed on the Start page.

Options Page Environment Developer News Max Display
Options Page - Environment: Set the limit of developer announcement links.

Select the preferred user interface theme as Dark or Light.

Options Page Environment Display Theme
Options Page - Environment: Set the user interface theme to Dark or Light.

Select the preferred user interface language used for the text displayed in menus, tooltips, and buttons.

Options Page Environment Display Language
Options Page - Environment: Set the user interface language used for menus, tooltips, and buttons.

Set license or evaluation credentials in the field associated with the product. Valid Chant Developer Workbench credentials unlock the use of all products in the Chant Developer Workbench with one setting.

Options Page Environment Credentials Settings
Options Page - Environment: Set user license credentials.

Select speech recognizers that are enumerated for grammar development and testing, speech recognition testing, and VoiceXML testing.

Options Page Speech Recognizer Selection
Options Page - Speech Recognizers: Select speech recognizers that are enumerated for development and testing.

Select speech synthesizers that are enumerated for lexicon testing, speech synthesis testing, voice markup testing, and VoiceXML testing.

Options Page Speech Synthesizer Configuration and Selection
Options Page - Speech Synthesizers: Configure and select speech synthesizers that are enumerated for development and testing.

Some synthesizer SDKs require configuration and license information.

Options Page Speech Synthesizer Configuration and Selection (continued)
Options Page - Speech Synthesizers: Configure and select speech synthesizers that are enumerated for development and testing.

Several text editor editing and display options are preselected for developing and testing grammars, lexicons, voice markup, and VoiceXML.

Options Page Text Editor
Options Page - Text Editor: Select text editing and display options.

Document line numbers may be displayed when developing and testing grammars, lexicons, voice markup, and VoiceXML.

Options Page Text Editor Line Numbers
Options Page - Text Editor: Select the option to display line numbers.

Line numbers may provide helpful reference information when developing and testing grammars, lexicons, voice markup, and VoiceXML.

Display line numbers when editing documents
Text Editor Option - Line Numbers: Line numbers provide quick reference points for erroneous syntax.

Indentation guides may be displayed when developing and testing grammars, lexicons, voice markup, and VoiceXML.

Options Page Text Editor Indentiation Guides
Options Page - Text Editor: Select the option to display indentation guides.

Indentation guides may provide helpful visual cues when developing and testing grammars, lexicons, voice markup, and VoiceXML.

Display indentation guides when editing documents
Text Editor Option - Indentation Guides: Indentation guides provide a visual cue to see margin alignment.

Special characters may be displayed for non-printable whitespace characters such as tabs, spaces, and returns.

Options Page Text Editor Whitespace
Options Page - Text Editor: Select the option to display nonprintable characters for whitespace.

Whitespace characters may provide helpful visual cues when developing and testing grammars, lexicons, voice markup, and VoiceXML.

Display whitespace when editing documents
Text Editor Option - Whitespace: Whitespace display provides a visual cue to improve formatting and assist with developing and testing.