New Does Not Mean It Costs More

June 25, 2024

Chant Developer Workbench 2024 new license price drops to the renewal price

Chant Developer Workbench 2024 includes all new versions of Audio Search, GrammarKit, KinesicsKit, LexiconKit, ProfileKit, SpeechKit, Speech Manager, Talk&Listen, VoiceMarkupKit, and VoiceXMLKit. But the headline here is that new licenses cost a lot less. There is no longer a pricing penalty for new.

Everything has been updated:

  • Libraries built with the latest security and platform support for Android 14, macOS Sonoma 14.5, iOS 17.5, and Windows 11.
  • Libraries support for the latest Android Java, C++Builder, Visual C++, Java, .NET, Objective-C, and Swift development environments.
  • Libraries support for the latest desktop, mobile, and cloud speech SDKs.
  • Developer Workbench editors updated for creating, editing, and testing speech recognition grammars, lexicons, and text-to-speech voice markup (SSML).
  • Online product documentation loaded with code snippets, examples, and explanations.

The Chant Developer Workbench IDE on Windows that enables development and testing of speech recognition and speech synthesis features for cloud, desktop, and mobile platforms is now a .NET 8 app that requires either the .NET 8 runtime or SDK installed.

Product licenses are available at the Chant store and resellers ComponentSource, MicroWay, and QBS. Federal, state, and local government GSA licensing is available at ComponentSource.

Download and try the latest releases. Let us know your thoughts, if you need assistance, or have questions. We can provide turnkey apps if you no longer want to build them yourself.